Wednesday, July 2, 2008

A History of Violence

Don't know how many have seen this movie, but if you haven't, put it at the top of your viewing list. It's by David Cronenberg, who did Eastern Promises last year and then some really cool old horror films like The Fly (a man turns into a fly -- brilliant) and The Brood.

But A History of Violence is a very compelling story that I think could easily be written on for scholarship. It's the story of a ridiculously perfect American family (shown especially when the little daughter has a bad dream and the whole family come in and cheer her up), which will soon be shattered by violence bought about by the father's (Viggo Mortensen) secret 'history'. Cronenberg comments on the myth of the American 'dream' and the actual fragility of even the seemingly perfect American families.

Before you watch it though, note the following warning:
Even though only about 5 people die in the film, it is quite shockingly graphic. There is also a potentially very awkward oral sex scene in it which is interesting but not if mum's in the same room.

It's a brilliant film though